1) Liangshun Zhang, Jiaping Lin*, Shaoliang Lin.
Self-assembly behavior of amphiphilic block copolymer/nanoparticle mixture in dilute solution studied by self-consistent field theory/density functional theory.
Macromolecules, 2007, 40: 5582-5592.

2) Shaoliang Lin*, Naoko Numasawa, Takuhei Nose, Jiaping Lin.
Brownian molecular dynamics simulation on self-assembly behavior of rod-coil diblock copolymers.
Macromolecules, 2007, 40: 1684-1692.

3) Liangshun Zhang, Jiaping Lin*, Shaoliang Lin.
Morphologies and bridging properties of graft copolymers.
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2007, 111: 351-357.

4) Liangshun Zhang, Jiaping Lin*, Shaoliang Lin.
Aggregate morphologies of amphiphilic graft copolymers in dilute solution studied by self-consistent field theory.
J. Phys. Chem. B, 2007, 111: 9209-9217.

5) Tao Chen, Shaoliang Lin, Jiaping Lin*, Liangshun Zhang.
Effect of electrical field on polypeptide phase behavior involving a conformationally coupled anisotropic-isotropic transition.
Polymer, 2007, 48: 2056-2063.
6) Jiaping Lin*, Suning Zhang, Tao Chen, Shaoliang Lin, Huiting Jin.
Micelle formation and drug release behavior of polypeptide graft copolymer and its mixture with polypeptide block copolymer.
Int. J. Pharm., 2007, 336: 49-57.

7) Tao Chen, Liangshun Zhang, Tao Li, Jiaping Lin*, Shaoliang Lin.
Phase equilibria of polymer dispersed liquid crystal systems in presence of external electrical field.
J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys., 2007, 45: 1898-1906.
8) Shaoliang Lin, Jiaping Lin*, Takuhei Nose, Tomokazu Iyoda.
Micellar structures of block-copolymers with ordered cores in dilute solution as studied by polarized and depolarized light scattering.
J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys., 2007, 45: 1333-1343.